Vow of Absolution - A definitive guide to The Absolvers Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.
Bound by long sworn oaths to defend the Gilead System, the Space Marines of the Absolvers now find themselves the last bulwark against the encroaching darkness. Trapped by the opening of the Great Rift, the Absolvers find their numbers dwindling as they desperately defend humanity in a system cut off from the Imperium’s might.
Vow of Absolution introduces rules and mechanics focused around playing as an Absolver, including important GM advice on introducing Tier 5 Agents and running campaigns focused around the heroic military deeds of the most iconic warriors in the 41st Millenium!
Vow of Absolution features:
Vow of Absolution provides an in depth and detailed look at The Absolvers and brings a variety of thematic new skills and lore for both Players and GM’s to add depth and variety to their games of Wrath & Glory!
Pages: 128