Necromunda is a world rife with lawlessness but the denizens of the underhive know the difference between the ongoing gang squabbles and true crime. Expand your games of Necromunda with a wealth of new rules to add even more variety, scope and excitement to your battles in the underhive. With this book you can explore the never-ending conflict between elite officers of the law and the vast criminal organisations and enterprises of Necromunda. Contents – Crime on Necromunda: Extensive background on the vast criminal organisations and enterprises of Necromunda – Palanite Enforcers: Rules for fielding these elite officers of the law in Necromunda – Criminal Alliances: Rules for forming alliances with criminal organisations – New Campaign: The Law and Misrule campaign presents a new way to play as gangs fight over control of criminal rackets – Black Market: A huge selection of new weapons and wargear focusing on illegal and alien equipment for gangs to use – Hired Guns: Add Psyreena Skar, Estus Jet, Cor 'Two G